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A specie which accepts electrons.

Speed is a scalar quantity while velocity is a vector quantity.

It is a living document that requires frequent review about how much we have achieved and how much is left to achieve within the time frame. Hence it may be revised based on the targets and the time left.

A number of steps you can take are:

1) understand all of the concepts really well

2) try to memorize keywords These are usually the points examiner wants in your answers. If you go through the objectives in the syllabus for any chapter these words are mentioned there too. Ex: in Chemistry while dealing with a question regarding the rate of reaction, the examiner wants you to write “concentration” instead of “amount”. In Biology, writing only “sunlight” will not gain you any marks whereas “sunlight intensity” will.

3) solve as many past papers as you can. This really gets you familiarised with the keywords

4) when you get anything wrong in your answers, write it down, try to understand your mistake, and review it in spaced intervals.

A molecule can have two kinds of isomers-stereoisomers and structural-so keeping these in mind, you can draw all the possible isomeric structures of that molecule.
For example: Pentanol has seven structural isomers and they are:
1. pentan-2-ol 
2. pentan-3-ol
3. 3 methyl butan-1-ol
4. 2 methyl butan-1-ol
5. 2,2 dimethyl propan-1-ol
6. 3 methyl butan-2-ol
7. 2 methyl butan-2-ol
It also has two stereoisomers and they are:
1. pentan-2-ol
2. 2 methyl butan-1-ol
1. start doing revision at least 3-4 months before the external exams
2. try to focus on shorter goals, one at a time (do not try to revise the entire syllabus at a time, instead try breaking it down into three blocks, one for each week fairly before your exam when you will hopefully have completed revision
3. the first formal way to gauge your preparedness for exams is to sit for the first mock exam
4. after complete revision, the best way to test your knowledge on a particular section is to solve classified past papers right away
5. keep full-fledged past papers for a month before exam when you will have completed your thorough revision
6. eliminate study distractors